Fun(-ish) links

Congratulations! You discovered a page of random and fun-ish links, compiled from what memebers shared in our slack space. Enjoy!

Maybe you wonder what your face looks like when staring at a laptop.

Virtual Care Lab: a series of experiments for remote togetherness.

Epidemic Simulation: A simple project to make sense of what’s going on.

Trace Lab: An organization that hacks and find missing people.

These wonderful jellyfish.. watch them live

10 comfort games that encourage kindness, community, and wellbeing.

All the digital gardens in this thread.

Languages, platforms, and systems that break from the norms of computing.

Bots like you

Some Tech co-ops where work can be different.

For all you twitter users.

Wellness log template.

Many days, it is as if you’re doing work.

and… you’ve come to the end of everything. See you next time!